
September : Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

I remember that day, June 18, 2021. Around 8 in the morning. I don’t have the best memory, but I remember that date and time. That was when I heard I had cancer. I was 19 so not necessarily a child but still young. Imagine being a child, being given a dreadful diagnosis of childhood cancer. I can tell you from my experience that your mind is racing. 

Many people don’t realize that when you hear the words “it’s cancer” (especially about a child,) sometimes that means the cancers will not have any solution or end time in treatment. A child cancer patient may never be free of it because their lives are forever changed after they hear those words in so many ways. 

Why Gold for Childhood Cancer?

Approximately 20 years ago, when the ACCO was known under its former name, the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation (CCCF), the gold ribbon was chosen to serve as the universal symbol for Childhood Cancer Awareness by CCCF board member Gigi Thorsen and a group of parents whose lives had been affected by childhood cancer.

Although many colors were considered, gold was agreed upon as the ideal choice for childhood cancer awareness because gold is a precious metal and is therefore the perfect color to reflect the most precious thing in our lives—our children.

The CCCF funded production of the first gold ribbons in 1997 (in the form of lapel pins), and thanks to the dedication and commitment of this group of parents during the early years of our organization, the gold ribbon has now become an internationally recognized symbol for childhood cancer awareness.”

Other colors are used for specific cancer types that affect children, for example, purple specifically represents neuroblastoma and orange represents kidney cancer. However, GOLD represents every single child or young person with a cancer diagnosis regardless of type.


  • The toxicity of the current “cure” leaves long-term side effects even if they do go into remission & also greatly increases the chances of secondary cancer.
  • October does not change the advocacy! they need research not a “miracle”
  • Cancer is the cause of death in disease among children.
  • Most current standard treatments for pediatric cancer were approved 32 years ago… many before the mid-1980s!
  • Don’t forget about the children unable to attend school. While their classmates learn their timetables, cancer warriors learn the names of their chemotherapy and doctors.


  • 42 families every day find out their child has cancer, and they won’t be attending school
  • Over 11,000 children under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer & 1,100 of those children will not survive past 15
  • 1 in 4 elementary schools has a young warrior walking their halls. 
  • The average high school has 2 kids battling cancer
  • 1 in 4 families loses more than 40% of their annual household income due to cancer treatment-related work disruption. 
  • Childhood cancer is often classified as being rare. Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 400,000 children are diagnosed each year. (400,000/365 days = 1,096 ea. day, 1,096 / 24 hours = 46 per hour), yet even with this, it’s still hard to convince people that it’s not rare
  • The treatment for a child battling cancer can range from 6 months to 2+ years. During that time, statistics show that a family can lose up to 40% of their household income.
  • Children that survive cancer have an eight times greater mortality rate due to the increased risk of liver and heart disease and increased risk for recurrence of original cancer or secondary cancer. WW Center
  • Due to the toxicity of treatments, 2 out of every 3 survivors will develop at least one chronic health condition.
  • Only 4% of the billions of dollars spent by the government annually on cancer research is directed toward treating childhood cancer
  • After a cancer diagnosis, 1 in 11 childhood cancer families will file for bankruptcy because of the financial strain their child’s treatments and associated costs will cause. 

Shocking Facts/Perspective

  • Starbucks makes as much money in 5 days as the National Cancer Institute Spends on childhood cancer research ALL YEAR.
  • Americans spend 20x more money annually on potato chips than we on do on Childhood Cancer
  • 400,000 Children are diagnosed with Cancer each year. That is enough kids to fill Sofi Stadium 5.6 times. 

How to Help

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Make Your Miles Count

Join me on The Million Mile and make your miles count all September long. From the casual walker to the active cyclist, anyone can participate in this month-long, grassroots challenge by tracking miles and raising money to help kids fight cancer. You can join my team. Then track your miles and raise funds all September long! 

Host Events on Campus

  • Students who live on campus or even off campus can get creative and  raise awareness too! 
  • Host bake sales or awareness walks

Turn Your social media Gold

Turning your social media gold is easy! And share the facts about childhood cancer along with your reasons why you are going gold for kids in September. 

September is the month that the world puts a spotlight on this urgent, desperate need for safer treatments and cures for childhood cancer. The world goes gold — the color of the awareness ribbon for childhood cancer. Gold was selected when Childhood Cancer Awareness Month was first formally recognized — because children are more precious than gold.