College, Productivity

College Advice

It has officially been one week of college classes and let me tell you, I was pretty nervous. So much so that I went onto the internet and set up a google form to ask for any advice, so here are some of the responses I received from my various questions below.

However, before you do that, let me tell you college has been amazing so far. Even though I only had one week of classes and I know it’ll get a little harder, I’m loving it. Living in a dorm suite with 6 other suite mates who are the kindest and most amazing people ever is one of my favorite parts so far.. I’m thankful because my biggest fear was that me and my suite mates wouldn’t get along or they wouldn’t talk to me.. which is a little ridiculous of a thought but it’s true. However, we all enjoy each other’s company . There is so much more I can tell you about college in my experience so far but let’s get right into the post:

Any advice, Tips, tricks or other insight into things to know when starting your college?

  1. Everyone goes at their own pace. Don’t stress about graduating “late”.
  2. Get involved early. Clubs, organizations, and college opportunities enhance your experience and learning very early. It also helps build skills and experience very early.
  3. Don’t stress about being perfect. Focus on knowledge and growth over grades
  4. When you have roommates that you’re good friends with, it’s a lot easier to accidentally stay up later at night from talking to them. Try to set boundaries and prioritize your sleep early on.
  5. When buying your books, check sites like Amazon, Chegg, or Thrift Books before your purchase from the book store. They are usually overcharged, you may sometimes only save a few dollars, but that adds up.
  6. Have at least one professor that you get close with during fall semester. This can obviously change over time, but it is vital to have a professor that knows you well enough in the case that they have to write a LOR for a scholarship or other application. It will get you further if a professor knows you well and writes a LOR than one that doesn’t.
  7. If a professor states that they do not offer extra credit, it doesn’t hurt to still ask if there are ways to improve your grade. Sometimes they will work with you individually to improve or even bump it up at the end of the semester if they see you’ve been trying.
  8. Bring liquid IV for hangovers,
  9. Start with your 24 hours in a day, subtract time you want to sleep, class, eat, transportation to class, activities, etc. to find how much free time you will have in a day.
  10. Don’t expect it to be as easy as high school (if you found high school easy). Copy notes and study. Make friends, study in groups, and participate in social activities. 
  11. That it’s okay to challenge what you want to do. Take different classes. Talk to other majors. Passion and plans change and that’s okay.
  12. I wish I had tried to set myself up for success a little more with my schedule. I took on too many things determined that I’d somehow make time for all of it when it wasn’t possible in the first place.
  13. It’s so much different/better than high school! If you want a fresh start, this is the time to do it. You can be whoever you want to be and you will find people who will accept you.
  14. Don’t get behind in your homework. It’s one of the stupidest things you can do. If you say you are going to do it tomorrow, you need to do it tomorrow. Eventually, the assignments are going to pile up and you will be cramming at the last minute to turn everything in. The late nights to finish something quick is usually worth it in the end because then you know you don’t have to worry about it in the end. It may only be one class you’re behind in, but speaking from experience, that one class can add up.
  15. It’s ok not to have plans every night
  16. Freshman year, academically is not as difficult as I thought.
  17. It’s not the same as high school as in how to study.
  18. How different each class can be, some professors make it easy for you while others make things very difficult.

Anything else you would like to share about college?

  1. Do what makes you happy! Every opportunity doesn’t have to be based on your major, etc. do what will make your experience best
  2. Know that it’s okay to say no to social events but also know that being around your friends will keep you happy and grounded. 
  3. This might be kind of obvious but go the extra mile for the professors in your major. Really put effort into all of your work for them, help out at events where they need volunteers, talk to them, ask questions, etc. They’ll notice these things and can open up more doors and opportunities for you when it comes to on-campus jobs and your future career.
  4. College is the time to find out who you are as a person and grow as an individual. It may be scary when it all begins, being in a new environment, but don’t let that hinder your excitement. Find your group of people who make you happy in college and have the time of your life!
  5. Don’t get discouraged, if you ever need to pick me up I’m sure a phone call home will help me. I tried to call home at least once a week for my freshman year! Good luck and have fun bc you’re only young and in college once.

Don’t forget to check out my previous posts all about college and preparing for college by clicking here