Lifestyle, Productivity

School Study Tips

With school almost around the corner, I thought I would give you some tips about study tips. So let’s get into the post. Actually, I wrote this for my very first guest podcast episode

Make a study plan

Studying a little each day for a month or two is much more effective than cramming the same material in a week.

Prepare a regular place to study

The room you study in should be quiet and without distractions. 

Get in the right mindset

Many of us dread studying so our mindset isn’t great. So one tip I used to use was to listen to a motivational ted talk. Of course, this should not be part of your study time nor should you be clicking on other videos after you finish the ted talk. 

Listen to calming music

You can listen to any music you like, but personally, I like  classical or instrumental for studying. I find songs with lyrics distracting.


Skimming is glancing through a text or assignment before it is read more carefully. It’s always wise to start every new assignment by first skimming it. Note the important headings, concepts, and definitions and perhaps underline them. Read summaries and briefly study illustrations and graphs.This gives you an idea of the basic material contained in the text and approximately how much time will be consumed in a complete study of it. 

Study difficult content first

When you begin studying, your mind is alert and fresh and your concentration is better.

Studying the hardest thing first is helpful because your mind is more in tune and concentrated

Write it out

The practice of actually putting on paper the things you want to remember serves a multiple purpose.  It forces you to give the material your full attention during the process of writing, It enables you to visualize the whole thing more clearly, it will help you to strengthen your understanding of your material


You will forget most of what you have learned very shortly after you have learned it. So try to review what you have studied or at least glance at it.

Get a good night’s sleep

This doesn’t only mean getting a full 8 hours of sleep before a big test. It is also important to get enough sleep for several nights before you do the bulk of your studying.

Manage your time and plan

Recently I got a cute planner for myself to help me plan out my week. Planners are so much fun because they have cute designs on them and such a variety of customized options.Cute notebooks or planners will really make me motivated to do anything. So get some cute supplies to enjoy using while you are studying and planning. 

Some helpful resources for studying are listed below.


It’s digital flashcards that use a variety of games and study forms to help you get to know and become familiar with the content. I have used it since I found it back in middle school. It was a great tool. 

Khan Academy:

 If you are like me and struggled with math, Khan Academy has great visual video tutorials on a variety of math lessons. They walk you through the math process with a digital white board. It is so helpful to use when you don’t know what to do in a math problem and your parents are stuck too because we all know that that does happen.

One thing I love to remind myself is: If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. I think half the battle of doing something is just starting it! So just start it instead of thinking of how you need/should start it. 

Studying  takes a while to learn how to do it and it may not always work at first. It takes practice.

And I want to let you know how well you do on a test should not be a direct correlation of your worth as a person. Your self-image and personal confidence should never take a beating just because of it. Yes, grades matter and you should strive to get good grades. Society needs to stop weighing our intelligence through grades and instead recognize that intelligence comes in all forms.

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