Health, My Cancer Journey

Welcome Back and Where Have been!

Well it’s been a while! Let me catch you up.  It was a wild ride being at the hospital and then 71 days right back there. Ok, let me just tell you the story.

January: Pneumonectomy and 9 Days in the Hospital

January 10 I had my lung removal surgery so that was a big one. After the surgery I of course had chest tubes and that was a whole other kind of experience. It was a total of 9 days in the hospital and then weeks until I could even walk more than a length of the hallway without feeling completely exhausted. 

3 days post operation (Jan. 13,  2022)  I got up and sat in a chair. On January 14, 2022,

I heard the words I’d never thought I’d hear: “Your cancer is gone we got it all” I cannot even begin to type a paragraph expressing the feelings of that moment. And, on January 19, 2022, I was on my way home.

February: Celebrating my Birthday

I celebrated my 20th birthday in February but even then I was still recovering from surgery so no, I didn’t do anything wild or super crazy for my 20th. I did a fun photoshoot with balloons though! You can view them on my instagram. Oh I also vlogged the day of my birthday which is something I did last year too, so I decided to keep the new tradition.

March: Back at the Hospital

By March I finally felt almost back to myself. Well, I felt more normal. I didn’t feel like I got sliced open and had a lung removed as much. 

I thought after my lung surgery life would be smooth sailing from there. I mean I was considered cancer free since the lung surgery so what could possibly go wrong. Well, apparently my body had to make things even more interesting. 

March 30 I landed myself in the emergency room. Due to chest pain. Oddly enough, the pain was on the side with my one good lung.  I thought that was odd since they didn’t even touch that side when operating . Not only that, but my heart rate was  going into the 130s. It had been in the 100-120s since after my lung surgery but 130s seemed kind of high. 

After some tests at the pediatrician, it was concluded it was best for me to go to the emergency room. 

What could possibly have been on the test results that meant emergency room I thought….oh no I thought  something was wrong with my other lung and that wouldn’t be good because you need a lung to live. 

Eventually the emergency room professionals told me I had Pericardial Effusion. Which I had never heard of so I immediately thought well that can’t be good. 

In layman’s terms, it means that  liquid was around my heart . So I was placed in the ICU until a solution was decided on. 

The solution was a procedure . Not exactly the idea I had in mind as I didn’t wanna go through another one, but I didn’t exactly have a choice.  I had a procedure to drain the liquid around my heart . I came out of the procedure with a tube in my heart which stayed in for only 24 hours. This occurred on March 31.

They said it was most likely due to having a big procedure and I kept track since my surgery and it had only been  71 days since I left the hospital from my surgery. So it makes sense I guess. 

In between my crazy life I updated and revamped my blog. I updated the theme for a different look, added pages, etc.

So that really sums it up. I hope to be back to blogging now and get ready for weekly posts every Monday! Don’t forget to check out my new pages which include a resource hub, discounts, shop and so much more ! 

Until next time! Have a good week!